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5 Steps to a Successful Startup

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Business Advice
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By Antoinette Parker

August 30, 2022

Having a business idea is great, but it’s only one step of a thousand-mile journey. Translating a mere business idea into a growing, successful startup takes strategic moves. This article provides five actionable steps to a successful startup.

Essential Steps For a Successful Startup

The UK market is large enough to accommodate new business, but you must take the right steps. To achieve a successful startup:

#1. Decide Your Product 

Choose a product to sell based on what the people need and are willing to pay for. Engage effective feedback systems to know what your target market needs. Go as far as using an offline direct feedback system, asking for customers’ views in person. Seek to fill a gap and solve real problems. This serves as a solid building block for constant demand in business.

#2. Have a Plan

Appropriate planning provides you with a  launching pad for driving your business. Draw up a plan that captures your goals for the business in the short-term, mid-term, and long-term. Have a spending plan to steer expenses. 

Generally, plan how to manage your business finances in the future. Do you need a separate checking account? Do you need external funding? What measures should you put in place to cut costs and maximize profit? Also, develop a strategic marketing plan that draws insight from adequate market surveys and competitor analysis. 


#3. Build Network

A solid network can bridge the gap between where your business is and where you want it to be. Word-of-mouth marketing is a proven marketing strategy in today’s business world. Networking can also be a way to hunt the best talents in the open market.  

For all it’s worth, connect with people. Start by joining professional business groups on LinkedIn. Also, attend networking events in your local area and be intentional in making connections.

#4. Get a Mentor

Look for an expert in your industry and stick to them. Ask questions and seek advice when necessary. Why exactly do you need a mentor? At this initial growth stage, you need every guidance you can get from an industry expert. A mentor can also be the link to the connections you need to establish your business.

#5. Give it All the Time

See your startup as a baby and give it all the attention it needs to grow. This, however, doesn’t mean abandoning your personal life. Create a balance between your personal and work life, but nurture this new seed to let it grow.

Why Do Startups Fail?

Studies show that 90% of startups fail, and 10% fail in the first year. There are several reasons why startups fail, including:

  • No solid business plan
  • Choosing the wrong market
  • Insufficient funding
  • Not having the right team
  • Lack of strategic partnerships
  • Poor financial management 

Should Startups Take Loans?

Startups should avoid loans, but taking a loan can be an option if your business needs huge capital investments. However, have a plan on the ground to pay the loan even before applying.


Rarely does anyone go into business planning to fail, but most of the time, people go into business without a plan to succeed. A successful startup isn’t the result of mere wishes but calculated steps, and you can begin with these five actionable steps.


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